Hi Chankyou and Rhea,
Thank you so much for your survey and it was helpful to understand you guys. I appreciate for your honest feedback.
I would love to move on to next advanced level.
However, It is hard for me to move next level if you don't want to continue work on your previous comic or don't show your work.
I am not sure what to teach if you are not willing to work and share on your art. This is not a tutorial class which you just sit and watch your screen.
I recommend to watch Lynda.com for tutorials. I will research more about it later.
Since it is hard to work online together, you have to find your own time to work on your art. And it is hard to for me to manage your schedule , and I don't want to micro manage your hours. And I really don't want to beg for your art work.
Animation takes long time to work. It took me 3years to make my 4 minute short film. Average feature film takes 5-8 years with hundreds of people. You need patience to make animation art form. Same thing with Comic. It is not an instant thing.
Please show your 2nd piece of art and upload by this week. If you can't do that, please don't just silence and respond to me.
Again, If you don't have time to work on your art in your schedule, please let me know. I can't let you give up /quit easily.
Thank you!
Warmly + Love, Sungyeon