Friday, July 29, 2016

김남준 Sketch

I tried drawing real people to see the effects of shadows. This is a copy of a picture I found on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Geat Job ! I am glad that you find your way to explore shadow besides my Assignment.

    When drawing from life , either your subject or you will move, forcing you to think about the subject in three dimensions rather than a single viewpoint.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farvus View Post
    I think the most healthy way of using reference was explained by Ian McCaig. It's a three step process:

    First you do imagination drawing without any reference and try to capture the flavour of what you have in your mind. In second step you sit down and find something that looks like this in real life and do tons of studies from photographs or models. In third step you draw your idea without reference again but this time with all the details you remember from the studies.

    It's beacause if you copy your reference onto your sketch, you don't process any information any you're limited by what you have on your photo. I also think it's more progressive because with studies and testing your memory your visual library is getting richer and you can make something even better in next project.

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