Monday, August 22, 2016

Assignment until August 27th Next Class Sept 4th 5pm ( Chankyo) and 8pm ( Rhea)

Please let me know if you can't make Next Class,  Sept 4th 5pm ( Chankyo) and 8pm ( Rhea)


1. Please write your story briefly.

2. Please draw your main characters. face and body.


1. Please work on main character and her facial expressions and her outfits.

 To Rhea and Chankyo

1. Think about followingă„´ for your characters.
How old are they?
What is their race and ethnicity?
Who is their family?
Where do they live? Where is the story happening?
What is their favorite things and least favorite things?
Do they have a pet?

2.  Daily drawings & text
     Life drawings

3. Label your post. :) Put your name and date.

4. Have fun! Enjoy your art. Be proud of yourself. You are doing great.

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