Friday, August 19, 2016

relationship between text and image

Marta Altés’s approach is different. The textual and visual contradiction of her book is based on the difference of a human’s and a dog’s conception of desirable and undesirable behaviour of a dog. While the dog assumes his family appreciates his frequent help with variety of tasks and mistakes the family´s order to stop misbehaving for his name (No), the reader sees images of the same situations from a human point of view, seeing how the dog is being naughty while his family is trying to stop him by shouting ‘no’ at him. Her presentation of these two different points of view to the reader is very entertaining, especially for those who have their own dog at home. I believe that she also based her story on her own dog. 

M. Frezee

As you can see Marla Frazee‘s illustrations use humour to contradict the text which in the end adds a very special feeling to the book as a whole and make it rather enjoyable. She challenges the reader’s conception of the written truths by visual inversions. For example, when James [the boy in blue shorts] comes to visit Eamon’s family, the text implies that he comes with just a couple of his belongings, while the image clearly shows an abundance of boxes and bags bursting with James’s stuff. Later, the text indicates the boys decision to stay home, while the illustration shows them running away so fast they each lost one of their shoes and little clouds of dust formed behind them.

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