Sunday, September 4, 2016

Assignment by sept 17th sat

Assignment by sept 17th sat
Keep continue working on your doodle ( with  text) life  drawings.
Goal :3-5 doodles and 5-10 people

Find an actor and draw 3 expression.Laugh(happy), angry and sad.

Let's find actors who look similar to your characters and use their photos as reference.  After you find them, you may collect their expressions, and study and draw. Dont worry about style , and copy as much as you can. Drawings  don't have to look exactly same as photos , however, let's try realistic style this week.
You will modify your character later. Please don't worry if you can't find right actor. This is just study. Find some one similar to your character's  age , race and etc...

Have fun! 

Sent from my iPad

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