Friday, September 23, 2016

Doodle 4 Google

I thought  it would be fun to try this with our daily doodling + coloring practice. 

Winners from 2015

I don't care about your  technical skills. Lets focus on creativity and communication. Pay attention to the text along with pictures in the samples.

  1. Creativity: representation of the contest theme, use of the letters in the Google logo, and the unique approach to the doodle
  2. Theme communication: how well the contest theme is expressed in both the artwork and the written statement 


What does the future look like? Are cities built in the clouds? Is it a place where everyone gets along - even cats and dogs? Or maybe a world where nobody ever gets sick? With the Google homepage as their canvas, young artists are invited to reach into their imagination and share what they see for the future.

 Professional Samples ( Don't get discouraged by the samples -they are professionals.)

Brian Kaas

What I see is a future where scientists continue to discover new and unique life forms on our planet and maybe on other worlds as we explore our galaxy. Maybe some of them will have mustaches.


Lydia Nichols

Scientists are hard at work searching for better and more sustainable forms of energy—including cow burps! (Methane, to be precise.) If we continue to pursue this research, I see a future where the burp of a cow can keep your lights on while simultaneously reducing our cows' carbon footprint.

Melissa Crowton

Transportation is global these days. We can go all over the world in just a few hours time. What's the next step? How about....animals who travel? This doodle is my playful take on a fast paced world that accommodates even the smallest of creatures.

Melissa Crowton

Learning doesn't have to be restricted to just the classroom. What happens when we look beyond our environment? This doodle is meant to inspire students who are open to experiences that push the outer edges of creativity.

Olivia Huynh

I hope to see a future where the world feels a lot smaller and closer togethe

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