Sunday, September 18, 2016

Editorial Cartoons (09/17/16)

Editorial Cartoons

Kim Jong-un executes education minister by firing squad for not SITTING properly during a meeting
Read more: 


  1. This is great. Kim Jong-un's chubby face and outfit are well described. I love star in his chest.
    Education ministre's facial expression looks awesome.
    I was little confused because the education minister and Kim's uncle looks very similar. I look up online and they look similar. Even though they look similar, can you make them little more different, so people don't get confused?
    They look like same person since their hair and glasses look similar.

    The horizon line represents ground? Can you put minister on the chair? Is he floating in the air?

    Thank you so much!!

  2. I will add a chair and try to distinguish the two people

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for paying attention to my critic. You can always disagree with me if you have strong opinion about your work.

  5. I am giving you more sepcific critc this time because I think this cartoon is good and we have lots to talk about. Thank you so much.
