Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rhea's sketch before/after critic

Hi Rhea, nice job on clean sketch! Thank you for fixing the shot in the middle.  It looks much better. Lilia looks more comfortable reaching the taller chair..

When you transfer from  rough sketches to computer drawing,you lost the balance little.   Watch out for Lilia and fairy's forehead in the profile images.
In the right panel, Lilia's  shoulder and back are curvier than your original rough sketch since her neck got thinner. It is subtle change, however, older straight version looks more natural. It happens all the time when you transfer image because you concentrate on  small lines instead of big proportion. We just have to double check after transferring. Tird person's fresh eyes are helpful. Check out with others to see if you missed/lost anything from the original.    Keep going! Thank you!

Chankyo, any opinion on Rhea's work?  Post your in progress work when you are ready.  Please don't be shy. :) Your drawing was great in the class. I couldn't see very well  in the chat screen.

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