Monday, November 7, 2016

Check in This Tursday Nov 10th. 6pm (Chankyo) and 9pm (Rhea) for 10 min.

You MUST post your IP ( inprogress) Comic/ Editorail Cartoon before Thursday. I don't care if it is rough or perfect.

Please SHOW me your work (POST one blog). I haven't see your work lately and deadline is reaching. Chankyo, Thank you for posting your Daily Doodle.  I want to see your Comic.

And I will check in with you  at  6pm (Chankyo) and 9pm (Rhea)  for 10 min on  Thursday. Nov 10th.

Be ready to work on your project on Thursday evening.
If you are extreamly busy or sick, please chat with me indivisually. ( kakao talk)

See you on Thursday and next class is Sunday 13th. I still love you guys. :)

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