Friday, November 11, 2016

Quantity becomes quality over time.

You’ve heard it over and over how the quality of your creative work is so much more important than quantity, but I think it’s time we turn this belief system on it’s head.

  If you quit working on a painting when it gets difficult or tedious, you never build the tools and habits to get past this point & you’ll never finish anything you start.

 Repetition makes us better at whatever habit is being repeated. This means that if we have the habit of quitting every time something isn’t working out, you become a habitual quitter. On the other hand, if you are repeating the process of completing your work & accepting where you’re at, you can turn your weaknesses into strengths.

 You also become great by learning to make decisions quickly instead of over thinking the 10,000 options available to you at every moment. Through experience, you’ll find that there a rarely wrong decisions, just better decisions. A wrong decision can often become a brave & unique technique with a few tweaks.

1. The more art you make, the better the quality will become.
2. The more art you finish, the easier finishing art will become.
3. Everybody struggles to look good when they start
4. The faster you make decisions, the less chance you have of getting stuck or having writer’s block.
5. The more decisions you make, the better your decision making instincts will become
6. We will always aim for quality, whether we make it a conscious goal or not.
7. You’re only ever competing with yourself. Only aim to be better than you were yesterday.
8. Quantity becomes quality over time.
Happy art making!

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